TRAK Metamodel Contents (2024-11-09)
The TRAK architecture framework metamodel is specified by:-
- TRAK00002. 'TRAK. Architecture Framework. Metamodel'. 2024-11-09.
and consists of the following:
Node Elements
- Architecture Description
- Architecture Description Element
- Architecture Description Tuple
- Architecture Framework
- Architecture Perspective
- Architecture Product
- Architecture Task
- Architecture View
- Architecture Viewpoint
- Argument
- Capability
- Claim
- Competence
- Concept Activity
- Concern
- Contract
- DCMI Artefact
- Document
- Enterprise
- Enterprise Goal
- Event
- Evidence
- Function
- Human Resource
- Interaction Element
- Item
- Item Exchange
- Job
- Metamodel
- Metric
- Milestone
- Mitigation
- Need
- Node
- Organisation
- Physical
- Port
- Port Connection
- Project
- Project Activity
- Protocol
- Requirement
- Resource
- Resource Interaction
- Risk
- Role
- Safety Monitored Element
- Software
- Standard
- System
- Threat
- Vulnerability
- Zone
- OR
- about
- addresses
- allows
- applies
- aspires to
- before
- can lead to exposure to
- carries
- caused by
- conducts
- contains
- contributes to
- delivers
- depends on
- derived from
- disproves
- enacts
- exchanges
- exploits
- exposed to
- exposes
- extends to
- for
- frames
- from
- governs
- groups related
- has
- has part
- hosted on
- impacts on
- implements
- is a
- is attached to
- is configured with
- is equivalent to
- is managed by
- is member of
- is necessary for
- is not suited to frame
- is origin for
- is quantified by
- issued by
- makes
- marked by
- marks introduction of
- marks removal of
- opposes
- owns
- performs
- physically depends on
- physically supports
- plays
- poses
- precedes
- presents
- proves
- realises
- removes
- requires
- requires at least
- results in
- satisfies
- starts with
- supersedes
- supplied to
- supplies
- supports
- then
- to
- to conduct
- traces to
- triggers
- undertakes
- uses
- AD exchange element owning ID
- AD exchange element owning organisation
- AD exchange element recipient ID
- AD exchange element recipient element name
- AD exchange element recipient organisation
- AD exchange element reference URL
- DCMI contributor
- DCMI creator
- DCMI description
- DCMI format
- DCMI identifier
- DCMI language
- DCMI publisher
- DCMI source
- DCMI source type
- DCMI subject
- DCMI title
- DCMI type
- approval authority
- architect
- argument identifier
- artefact url
- assessment
- assessment result
- assumptions
- claim identifier
- closed date
- closure action
- compliance level claimed
- compliance level required
- concern identifier
- concern scope
- concern status
- concerns addressed
- consistency rules
- constraints
- date created
- date modified
- decisions
- dependency type
- description
- element URI
- element author
- element type
- evidence definition
- evidence identifier
- exchange type
- finish date
- geographic extent
- identifier
- impact severity
- impact severity ranking
- interface authority
- issue
- issue date
- issuing organisation
- item exchange identifier
- item type
- job holder name
- likelihood
- location
- location code
- location label
- master architecture view
- name
- need identifier
- need type
- network location
- ontology uri
- opened date
- optional tuples
- organisation identifier
- part
- party to contract
- path length
- perspective description
- perspective identifier
- perspective title
- pm codeword
- pm commercial
- pm descriptor
- pm marking
- pm marking owner
- pm national caveat
- port connection identifier
- port identifier
- port name
- priority
- purpose
- raised by organisation
- rationale
- recommendations
- requirement identifier
- requirement owner
- requirement paragraph
- requirement priority
- requirement scope
- requirement text
- requirement title
- requirement type
- resource interaction identifier
- safety integrity level
- sequence identifier
- software type
- sponsor
- stakeholder
- start date
- subject tuples
- submission date
- summary of findings
- title
- tools used
- tuple identifier
- verification method
- view description
- view element identifier
- view identifier
- view title
- viewpoint description
- viewpoint identifier
- viewpoint title
- views
- views needed
- well formedness
- withdrawal date