trakmetamodel Project

TRAK SourceForge Projects



TRAK Information











TRAK Metamodel Contents (2024-11-09)

The TRAK architecture framework metamodel is specified by:-

and consists of the following:

Node Elements

  1. Architecture Description
  2. Architecture Description Element
  3. Architecture Description Tuple
  4. Architecture Framework
  5. Architecture Perspective
  6. Architecture Product
  7. Architecture Task
  8. Architecture View
  9. Architecture Viewpoint
  10. Argument
  11. Capability
  12. Claim
  13. Competence
  14. Concept Activity
  15. Concern
  16. Contract
  17. DCMI Artefact
  18. Document
  19. Enterprise
  20. Enterprise Goal
  21. Event
  22. Evidence
  23. Function
  24. Human Resource
  25. Interaction Element
  26. Item
  27. Item Exchange
  28. Job
  29. Metamodel
  30. Metric
  31. Milestone
  32. Mitigation
  33. Need
  34. Node
  35. Organisation
  36. Physical
  37. Port
  38. Port Connection
  39. Project
  40. Project Activity
  41. Protocol
  42. Requirement
  43. Resource
  44. Resource Interaction
  45. Risk
  46. Role
  47. Safety Monitored Element
  48. Software
  49. Standard
  50. System
  51. Threat
  52. Vulnerability
  53. Zone

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  1. AND
  2. NOT
  3. OR
  4. about
  5. addresses
  6. allows
  7. applies
  8. aspires to
  9. before
  10. can lead to exposure to
  11. carries
  12. caused by
  13. conducts
  14. contains
  15. contributes to
  16. delivers
  17. depends on
  18. derived from
  19. disproves
  20. enacts
  21. exchanges
  22. exploits
  23. exposed to
  24. exposes
  25. extends to
  26. for
  27. frames
  28. from
  29. governs
  30. groups related
  31. has
  32. has part
  33. hosted on
  34. impacts on
  35. implements
  36. is a
  37. is attached to
  38. is configured with
  39. is equivalent to
  40. is managed by
  41. is member of
  42. is necessary for
  43. is not suited to frame
  44. is origin for
  45. is quantified by
  46. issued by
  47. makes
  48. marked by
  49. marks introduction of
  50. marks removal of
  51. opposes
  52. owns
  53. performs
  54. physically depends on
  55. physically supports
  56. plays
  57. poses
  58. precedes
  59. presents
  60. proves
  61. realises
  62. removes
  63. requires
  64. requires at least
  65. results in
  66. satisfies
  67. starts with
  68. supersedes
  69. supplied to
  70. supplies
  71. supports
  72. then
  73. to
  74. to conduct
  75. traces to
  76. triggers
  77. undertakes
  78. uses

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  1. AD exchange element owning ID
  2. AD exchange element owning organisation
  3. AD exchange element recipient ID
  4. AD exchange element recipient element name
  5. AD exchange element recipient organisation
  6. AD exchange element reference URL
  7. DCMI contributor
  8. DCMI creator
  9. DCMI description
  10. DCMI format
  11. DCMI identifier
  12. DCMI language
  13. DCMI publisher
  14. DCMI source
  15. DCMI source type
  16. DCMI subject
  17. DCMI title
  18. DCMI type
  19. approval authority
  20. architect
  21. argument identifier
  22. artefact url
  23. assessment
  24. assessment result
  25. assumptions
  26. claim identifier
  27. closed date
  28. closure action
  29. compliance level claimed
  30. compliance level required
  31. concern identifier
  32. concern scope
  33. concern status
  34. concerns addressed
  35. consistency rules
  36. constraints
  37. date created
  38. date modified
  39. decisions
  40. dependency type
  41. description
  42. element URI
  43. element author
  44. element type
  45. evidence definition
  46. evidence identifier
  47. exchange type
  48. finish date
  49. geographic extent
  50. identifier
  51. impact severity
  52. impact severity ranking
  53. interface authority
  54. issue
  55. issue date
  56. issuing organisation
  57. item exchange identifier
  58. item type
  59. job holder name
  60. likelihood
  61. location
  62. location code
  63. location label
  64. master architecture view
  65. name
  66. need identifier
  67. need type
  68. network location
  69. ontology uri
  70. opened date
  71. optional tuples
  72. organisation identifier
  73. part
  74. party to contract
  75. path length
  76. perspective description
  77. perspective identifier
  78. perspective title
  79. pm codeword
  80. pm commercial
  81. pm descriptor
  82. pm marking
  83. pm marking owner
  84. pm national caveat
  85. port connection identifier
  86. port identifier
  87. port name
  88. priority
  89. purpose
  90. raised by organisation
  91. rationale
  92. recommendations
  93. requirement identifier
  94. requirement owner
  95. requirement paragraph
  96. requirement priority
  97. requirement scope
  98. requirement text
  99. requirement title
  100. requirement type
  101. resource interaction identifier
  102. safety integrity level
  103. sequence identifier
  104. software type
  105. sponsor
  106. stakeholder
  107. start date
  108. subject tuples
  109. submission date
  110. summary of findings
  111. title
  112. tools used
  113. tuple identifier
  114. verification method
  115. view description
  116. view element identifier
  117. view identifier
  118. view title
  119. viewpoint description
  120. viewpoint identifier
  121. viewpoint title
  123. views needed
  124. well formedness
  125. withdrawal date

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Modification Date: 2025-02-22

Eclectica Systems Ltd