The TRAK Metamodel Graphics
The TRAK metamodel is now slightly more than can be fitted onto a single A4 landscape page and it it split into:-
- for the users of TRAK
- for the managers and developers of TRAK
Overall / General Triples (for Users)
The TRAK Metamodel elements are split into groups - termed 'architecture perspective':
- Enterprise - green elements
- Concept - yellow elements
- Procurement - orange elements
- Solution - pink and tan elements
- Management - blue elements
The TRAK Metamodel (at 9th November 2024)
On the right hand side, the blue-coloured elements belong to the Management Perspective. These elements often form triples in every architecture view, for example,
- Standard governs Architecture Description Element - created on a TRAK MV-03 Requirements and Standards architecture view and used on any other architecture view
- Concern about Architecture Description Element
- Architecture Description Element traces to Document
Some triples are provided to describe the architecture task and findings using the MV-02 Architecture Description Design Record:
- Architecture Task delivers Architecture Product
- Architecture View addresses Concern
Safety & Security Triples (for Users)
Triples used to describe typical safety and security situations involving Threat, Vulnerability, Mitigation and resulting .Risk.
Metamodel Elements for Describing System Safety and Security
Structure / Organisation of TRAK (for Managers of TRAK)
Used to describe how TRAK is organised into a Metamodel, a set of Architecture Viewpoints (specifications for Architecture Views) and Architecture Descriptions consisting of Architecture Descriptions Tuples formed from Architecture Description Elements
The elements marked with an asterisk (*) are abstract and never appear in a TRAK architecture view.
Metamodel Elements for Describing the Architecture Task and for internal Management of TRAK (9th November 2024)
Describing the Metamodel, Architecture Viewpoints and Architecture Views
Metamodel Elements for Describing the Architecture Viewpoints and Architecture View Content
Elements taken from a set of architecture viewpoints used to define an architecture framework, track changes and define an implementation described in:-
- Nic Plum. 'Architecture Description Viewpoints. Metamodel Description, Implementation and Model Changes’, Eclectica Systems Ltd, 3736126–001, Jul. 2024. Jump to ResearchGate to view.
Used to describe an Architecture View and its governing Architecture Viewpoint these triples also define Architecture View content:
- 'Architecture Viewpoint governs Architecture View'
- 'Architecture Viewpoint requires at least Architecture Description Tuple'
- 'Architecture Viewpoint allows Architecture Description Tuple'
- 'Architecture View presents Architecture Description Tuple'
The TRAK metamodel is subject to the terms of open source license: GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at