trakmetamodel Project

TRAK SourceForge Projects



TRAK Information

Features / Overview of the TRAK Metamodel

The TRAK Metamodel provides the tuples that are used to describe the things that appear in TRAK Views (each of which is specified by a TRAK Viewpoint - see the TRAK Viewpoints project site).

Metamodel Triples Provide Statements to Describe Real World Architecture

Metamodel Provides Triples - Statements or Assertions - to Describe Architecture e.g. a Threat Expoiting a Vulnerability

A tuple is formed from one or more triples, each consisting of either one or two node or block elements and a single connector or relationship element e.g.


More complex statements - architecture description tuples - assertions or sentences can be formed by chaining triples together:

Metamodel Characteristics

The TRAK Metamodel :-

The fundamental defining part of an metamodel is a triple - a combination of node - connector - node e.g. Claim about Standard. A metamodel is different and distinct from an ontology or a taxonomy in this respect - more details.

The TRAK metamodel is neither an ontology nor a taxonomy but it does contain both an ontology and also a taxonomy.

The individual bits - each node element, each connector element, each property and each value are also described as part of an ontology description using OWL and RDF. This is not a metamodel description - no ontology description describes the triples that define the metamodel.

Some short descriptions of parts of the TRAK metamodel are provided by way of an introduction:-

Parts of the TRAK Metamodel


Every TRAK metamodel element that may appear in a TRAK architecture view has at the very least the properties of an Architecture Description Element - the generic parent of all architecture description elements. Many elements have additional properties on top of this to allow useful information to be held in a TRAK architecture description.

All of the properties are defined using standard accepted ontology sources such as the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), Dublin Core Metadata etc. for example the 'approval authority' property of the Architecture Description metamodel element:

Property Definition Use / Application Applies To
approval authority The entity that officially commends, sanctions or endorses.
OED “approve (v.1), sense I.6.a” doi:10.1093/OED/9502413840,
“authority (n.), sense II.2” doi:10.1093/OED/7868334486
Architecture description design record.
Typically an individual, a role or an organisation or a combination.
Architecture Description
TRAK00002. TRAK. Metamodel

Definition of the 'approval authority' Property of an Architecture Description Element

Property Values

Enumerated values of properties are defined in a similar way. The following shows the definition for the value 'mandatory' that is used by the 'compliance level required' property for the Requirement metamodel element:

Value Definition Use / Application Properties
Mandatory Identifies that compliance or conformance is compulsory.
OED 'mandatory (adj.), sense 2' doi:10.1093/OED/5246072936
Equivalent to 'shall'
compliance level required
TRAK00002. TRAK. Metamodel

Definition of the 'Mandatory' Value for the 'compliance level required' Property

The TRAK metamodel is subject to the terms of open source license: GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at

Modification Date: 2025-02-22

Eclectica Systems Ltd