trakmetamodel Project

TRAK SourceForge Projects



TRAK Information











Ontology Description - Node Elements


This page presents definitions of TRAK metamodel elements taken from the TRAK00002. TRAK Metamodel specification. The master source definition for any element is the TRAK Metamodel specification - this page is provided for information only. It presents some of the information that is contained in the underlying ontology description, again based on the TRAK metamodel.

The ontology description is an approximation of the TRAK metamodel owing to the limitations of the OWL / RDF(S) ontology description languages - for example by describing only elements not the triples formed from them.

An ontology is not a metamodel - the TRAK metamodel contains an ontology. It also contains a taxonomy. The TRAK metamodel is also not a taxonomy. The TRAK metamodel is defined by triples which are not an ontology nor a taxonomy. More details are provided separately.


The elements that form part of the metamodel for the open source TRAK architecture framework or which are used to describe or define it. The source document for these is 'TRAK00002. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Metamodel'.The Architecture Description Elements and relationships are used to define Architecture Description Tuples which form the basis of the specification of each of the TRAK Viewpoints and the consistency/correspondence rules across a TRAK-conforming Architecture Description.Architecture Description Tuples form the content of each TRAK Architecture View. Abstract concepts/entities cannot appear in a TRAK Architecture View but are used to manage or define other elements or model/describe them (metamodelling).



The development of the ontology description of the TRAK metamodel and the presentation of some of this in these HTML pages is an ongoing activity and is not complete. There will also likely be limitations owing to the capabilities that ontology description languages provide (and lack).

Limitations - HTML Presentation

Limitations - RDF/XML Ontology Description


The TRAK Metamodel contents presented are subject to the terms of the GGNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008). The general terms of this and FAQs can be seen at The specific terms are specified in the TRAK Metamodel specification (TRAK00002) itself.


Node Elements in the TRAK Metamodel

Architecture Description , Architecture Description Element , Architecture Description Tuple , Architecture Framework , Architecture Perspective , Architecture Product , Architecture Task , Architecture View , Architecture Viewpoint , Argument , Capability , Claim , Competence , Concept Activity , Concern , Contract , DCMI Artefact , Document , Enterprise , Enterprise Goal , Event , Evidence , Function , Human Resource , Interaction Element , Item , Item Exchange , Job , Metamodel , Metric , Milestone , Mitigation , Need , Node , Organisation , Physical , Port , Port Connection , Project , Project Activity , Protocol , Requirement , Resource , Resource Interaction , Risk , Role , Safety Monitored Element , Software , Standard , System , Threat , Vulnerability , Zone

Metamodel Node Elements

Architecture Description

Ontology URI:

Definition: IEEE 1471: An architectural description is a model of the architecture; its purpose is to answer all identified stakeholder's questions about all identified architecture-related concerns for the system of interest; The collection of architecture products that describes a system of interest.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: DCMI Artefact, Architecture Description Element and Architecture Product

Comment: The purists will not like it (self-references / infinite recursion) but it provides a useful means for describing the scope/results for an architectural task using the MV-02 Architecture Design Record.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2015-09-05

Architecture Description Element

Ontology URI:

Definition: An individual architecture description object that is used to describe or represent an item of real-world architecture. An architecture description element can appear in an architecture description.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: --

Comment: The parent of all TRAK elements used in ADs. The intent of the attributes is to capture identification and ownership to allow bi-directional exchange of ADs between 2 organisations.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2015-09-05

Architecture Description Tuple

Ontology URI:

Definition: A named architecture description element connected by a named relationship to a named architecture description element. i.e. subject - predicate - object - the basis of a sentence.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: --

Comment: Smallest unit of architecture description in TRAK. Basis for natural language and machine understandable such as RDF. Element itself doesn't appear in TRAK views – only the Architecture Description Elements that form a tuple.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2011-01-18

Architecture Framework

Ontology URI:

Definition: ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 'conventions, principles and practices for the description of architectures established within a specific do- main of application and/or community of stakeholders.'

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: --

Comment: Not used in TRAK views.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2015-07-23

Architecture Perspective

Ontology URI:

Definition: IEEE 1471 refers to an Architectural Perspective as 'Sharing of architectural models also facilitates an "aspect-oriented" style of architectural description' i.e. a grouping of related and overlapping architectural views.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: --

Comment: Not used in TRAK views.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2010-02-15

Architecture Product

Ontology URI:

Definition: A work product / artefact with architectural modelling content.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: --

Comment: Abstract - Architecture Product is not used in any of the TRAK views and does not appear in any Architecture Description. It is part of the background definition of TRAK.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2015-07-23

Architecture Task

Ontology URI:

Definition: A task which results in the delivery of one or more architecture products.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: Used on the MV-02 to describe the task for which the AD is produced - and to plan / organise the use/development of the models.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2011-09-05

Architecture View

Ontology URI:

Definition: ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: A representation of a whole system from the perspective of a related set of concerns.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: DCMI Artefact, Architecture Description Element and Architecture Product

Comment: Used in the MV-02 Architecture Design record.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2016-12-16

Architecture Viewpoint

Ontology URI:

Definition: A viewpoint defines a set of conventions (notations, languages and model types) for constructing a certain kind of view.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Product, DCMI Artefact and Architecture Description Element

Comment: Not used in TRAK views.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2020-04-10


Ontology URI:

Definition: A connected series of statements or reasons intended to establish a position (and, hence, to refute the opposite); a process of reasoning; argumentation.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2014-12-24

Date Modified: 2015-07-23


Ontology URI:

Definition: The ability to undertake a particular kind of action or the extent of someone's or something's ability.

Tests For: makes sense when used with 'Enterprise requires ...' easy to re-use

Tests Against: includes technology includes a 'thing'

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: keep short use active (doing) voice should be able to be re-used easily across ADs / models


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2011-01-27


Ontology URI:

Definition: That which is claimed. To claim - To assert and demand recognition of i.e. something which is asserted.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2014-12-24

Date Modified: 2020-04-10


Ontology URI:

Definition: The scope of knowledge or ability.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: important for human factors or human resources analysis


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-21

Concept Activity

Ontology URI:

Definition: A high level logical activity or process which is independent of how the activity is carried out i.e. no 'how'.

Tests For: logical

Tests Against: contains solution or technology in phrase

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: If Node is too like a real thing then Concept Activity is likely to be indistinguishable from a solution Function associated with a resource.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2011-01-27


Ontology URI:

Definition: An interest in a subject held by one or more stakeholder Human Resource.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: This is allied to ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 where generic concerns are addressed through an Architecture Viewpoint (a specification for an Architecture View). Individual Architecture Views address specific concerns.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-21


Ontology URI:

Definition: A written or spoken agreement. between at least 2 parties that is intended to be enforceable by law.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: DCMI Artefact and Architecture Description Element

Comment: Used in the MV-03 Requirements & Standards View.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-21

DCMI Artefact

Ontology URI:

Definition: Abstract artefact

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: --

Comment: Abstract. Used for inheritance of attributes. Not used in any TRAK architecture view.


Date Created: 2024-09-23

Date Modified: 2024-09-23


Ontology URI:

Definition: A document artefact - a piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information or evidence or that serves as an official record.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element and DCMI Artefact



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2016-12-05


Ontology URI:

Definition: An organisation - often a collection - having common goals of "bottom line". Also represents a period or duration within the total life of the bigger Enterprise.

Tests For: abstract

Tests Against: concrete

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2024-05-21

Enterprise Goal

Ontology URI:

Definition: An objective or target for an Enterprise (phase). i.e. it has an associated period or notion of phasing and is likely to be different or change between Enterprise Phases.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: A Vision (Statement) outlines what the organisation wants to be. It concentrates on the future. It is a source of inspiration. It provides clear decision- making criteria. [Wikipedia]. A Mission Statement tells you the fundamental purpose of the organisation. It concentrates on the present. In TRAK therefore if an Enterprise is defined as having both the start and finish dates as [Today] and an Enterprise Goal is attached this is the equivalent to a Mission Statement.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2015-07-23


Ontology URI:

Definition: Anything that happens, or is contemplated as happening; an incident, occurrence.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: An accident sequence is a sequence of events.


Date Created: 2015-12-12

Date Modified: 2020-04-10


Ontology URI:

Definition: Testimony or facts tending to prove or disprove any conclusion or something serving as a proof.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: DCMI Artefact and Architecture Description Element

Comment: In TRAK evidence takes the form of a document artefact which can therefore include any type of media. Evidence identification captures identifies statement(s) that offer proof and define artefact as evidence.


Date Created: 2014-12-24

Date Modified: 2015-09-05


Ontology URI:

Definition: An activity which is specified in context of the resource (human or machine) that performs it.

Tests For: associated with a technology

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Safety Monitored Element and Architecture Description Element

Comment: .


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2024-05-21

Human Resource

Ontology URI:

Definition: Human organisational asset.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element and Resource

Comment: Abstract Parent class of Organisation, Role, Job. Not used in any TRAK view.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2011-09-30

Interaction Element

Ontology URI:

Definition: A formalised representation of the thing that is exchanged between Resources.

Tests For:

Tests Against: expressed as tangible thing being passed e.g. real message, 'stuff '

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2011-02-11


Ontology URI:

Definition: A high level quantity or thing that can flow.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: It is important to note that this isn't just information - it might be a materiel / resource flow, energy or data.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2011-02-11

Item Exchange

Ontology URI:

Definition: A solution-agnostic/logical exchange of an Item (data, resource, energy) between two entities

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: The Item Exchange flows in the opposite direction to the direction of need. Labelled using 'from/to'


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2015-07-23


Ontology URI:

Definition: A position of employment - usually but not always paid.

Tests For: title on an organisation chart

Tests Against: sounds like a responsibility

Subclass of: Human Resource



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-21


Ontology URI:

Definition: 'Metamodeling' is the construction of a collection of "concepts" (things, terms, etc.) within a certain domain. A model is an abstraction of phenomena in the real world; a metamodel is yet another abstraction, highlighting properties of the model itself. A model conforms to its metamodel in the way that a computer program conforms to the grammar of the programming language in which it is written.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Product

Comment: Not used in TRAK views.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2010-10-17


Ontology URI:

Definition: A measure.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: Allows taxonomies of metrics to be prepared and metrics to be shared.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-21


Ontology URI:

Definition: Event marking a significant change or stage in development.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-21


Ontology URI:

Definition: The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2015-12-12

Date Modified: 2015-12-12


Ontology URI:

Definition: A necessity or requirement for (something).

Tests For:

Tests Against: if routing matters it isn’t a Need

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: labelled using 'has' ... Need ...'for' A Need may be defined using one or more Requirements as part of a normative document (Standard).


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-22


Ontology URI:

Definition: A node is a logical operational entity. It can represent anything from a command or signalling centre to a big system or organisational or co-ordinating body providing that no knowledge of how things are done is implied.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-21


Ontology URI:

Definition: An organised body of people, associated for a particular purpose.

Tests For: concrete well-defined structure wrt parts and membership

Tests Against: abstract

Subclass of: Human Resource



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-21


Ontology URI:

Definition: A physical thing. Can represent an equipment (which can host Software), a building or civil item, train etc.

Tests For: bricks & mortar

Tests Against: contains an organisation

Subclass of: Resource

Comment: Note that there is a difference between a HQ - the building and a HQ as an Organisational Resource (which is housed in the building).


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-21


Ontology URI:

Definition: A socket or opening (logical or physical) provided by a thing.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-22

Port Connection

Ontology URI:

Definition: Asserts that a connection exists between two ports.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: labelled using 'from/to'


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2014-12-20


Ontology URI:

Definition: An individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned and designed to achieve a particular aim.

Tests For: Can it be given to another organisation to manage/run? Concrete i.e. not Enterprise

Tests Against: integral part of a company i.e. Organisation. How it is resourced/staffed Organisation

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-22

Project Activity

Ontology URI:

Definition: An activity undertaken within a project which results in something being delivered.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: The use of Project Activity (with Project) in the architecture enables the architecture to represent snapshots or change in architecture with time. It enables a view to show what capability is delivered at a point in time (& compared with another, say, now).


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2011-01-27


Ontology URI:

Definition: A set of rules governing the exchange procedure between things.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-22


Ontology URI:

Definition: An atomic requirement or constraint - a statement of need.

Tests For: atomic

Tests Against: Takes form of a document - would then be either a Standard or Contract.

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: It is NOT a requirements document. It is intended to represent a requirement - something that might be exported from a requirement management tool. It can be associated with any architecture element inside the boxed area.This provides a mechanism to associate requirements with model elements Desirable - Freedom e.g 'may' Desirable - Commitment e.g. 'will' Mandatory e.g.'shall'


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2023-09-09


Ontology URI:

Definition: Part of the solution - a generic thing that refers to human-related and machine-related entities.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Safety Monitored Element and Architecture Description Element

Comment: Abstract. Parent class of System, Physical, Software, Human Resource. Not used in any TRAK view.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2016-07-02

Resource Interaction

Ontology URI:

Definition: A formalised representation of the thing exchanged between Resource.

Tests For: something flows or is exchanged not part of the specification of the environment

Tests Against: in realms of physics e.g. thermal flow effect of/on immediate environment e.g. EMC, vibration, climate

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: Can be a flow of data, energy or resource (Physical, Human Resource, System, Software) labelled using 'from/to'


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2024-05-21


Ontology URI:

Definition: An uncertain event that has a harmful impact or consequence.

Tests For:

Tests Against: probability of occurrence = 100%

Subclass of: Event

Comment: When we refer to a 'risk' we usually mean a 'risky event'. If a Risk (event) is 100% certain to occur it is not a risk – it is an Event.


Date Created: 2015-12-12

Date Modified: 2012-12-12


Ontology URI:

Definition: The duties or status assumed or part played by a person or organisation.

Tests For: many roles map to a single job

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Human Resource

Comment: If a single role occupies most of a job-holder’s time it may result in the job being redefined around the role.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2021-12-22

Safety Monitored Element

Ontology URI:

Definition: Something that has possible safety-related attributes

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: --

Comment: Enables Safety Integrity Level (SIL) to be captured if appropriate. Abstract. Applied to Resource and to Function. Not used in any TRAK view.


Date Created: 2010-10-20

Date Modified: 2017-01-28


Ontology URI:

Definition: The programs and other operating information used by a computer.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Resource



Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2023-05-23


Ontology URI:

Definition: A normative document. It is a formal document that establishes criteria, processes, practices or defines protocols. Note that although it is a form of Requirement it only applies through the application of a Requirement whether a contractual or technical.

Tests For: takes form of a document: normative law, requirement document, normative plan document

Tests Against:

Subclass of: DCMI Artefact and Architecture Description Element

Comment: Used in the MV-03 Standards View.


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2015-09-05


Ontology URI:

Definition: A composite structure exhibiting emergent behaviour.

Tests For: has feedback/control mechanism via its parts that keeps it stable/opposes perturbations

Tests Against: consists of Physical elements (with no behaviour). Sum of functions of parts in configuration i.e. no emergent behaviour or properties

Subclass of: Resource

Comment: Can consist of purely human elements. A system is stable and maintains itself this way - the constituent parts must therefore collectively provide the mechanism to keep the system stable. If an essential part of a system is removed it destroys that system (it might become a different system because the system boundary is then different). As ever “the whole is more than the sum of the parts”


Date Created: 2010-02-15

Date Modified: 2017-01-28


Ontology URI:

Definition: Something that has the potential to cause harm; danger; peril.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element

Comment: Synonym for Hazard


Date Created: 2015-12-12

Date Modified: 2021-12-22


Ontology URI:

Definition: A weakness or susceptibility.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2015-12-12

Date Modified: 2015-12-12


Ontology URI:

Definition: A definite region or area of the earth, or of any place or space, distinguished from adjacent regions.

Tests For:

Tests Against:

Subclass of: Architecture Description Element



Date Created: 2021-12-22

Date Modified: 2021-12-22

The TRAK metamodel is subject to the terms of open source license: GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at

Modification Date: 2024-10-06