trakmetamodel Project

TRAK SourceForge Projects



TRAK Information











'Project Activity' Node Element

A node element may form the start element or subject of a triple or it may form the end element or object of a triple, or both.

 Project Activity - Relationships with Neighbouring Metamodel Elements

Project Activity - Relationships with Neighbouring Metamodel Elements

Procurement Perspective
Name Project Activity
Definition An activity undertaken within a project which results in something being delivered.
Comments The use of Project Activity (with Project) in the architecture enables the architecture to represent snapshots or change in architecture with time. It enables a view to show what capability is delivered at a point in time (& compared with another, say, now).
Tests For ---
Tests Against ---

finish date

start date

Sub Class of

Architecture Description Element

Parent Class Of ---
Neighbouring Elements Architecture Description Element , Milestone , Project and System
Appears in Triples (as subject or object) Project Activity delivers System
Project Activity is a Architecture Description Element
Project Activity marked by Milestone
Project Activity removes System
Project undertakes Project Activity
System is necessary for Project Activity
Originating Architecture View PrV-02 Procurement Timeline - on trakviewpoints site
Configuration Created: 2010-02-15Modified: 2011-01-27
Specification TRAK00002.TRAK. Architecture Framework. Metamodel (2024-09-23)
GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at
Download the specification.

The contents of this web page are produced from a graph model of TRAK held in Neo4J using a set of (non-TRAK) architecture viewpoint definitions. More details are available...


The TRAK metamodel is subject to the terms of open source license: GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at

Spotted an error or want to make a suggestion?

Modification Date: 2024-10-01