Keep Informed
It can be a bit of a pain to have to go back to a site to check to see what's happening and having to remember this isn't the basis for a relaible communication system.
With this is mind there are different ways in which you can keep in contact with what's happening:-
- RSS Feeds
There are mailing lists which once subscribed will send you posts by email (single or aggregated as a digest)
- trakviewpoints-helpneeded
- Help needed with the TRAKmetamodel project
- trakmetamodel-news
- News (surprisingly enough!)
- trakmetamodel-notices
- Broadcast notices
- trakmetamodel-workinggroup
- Formation, administration, requests, running-of concerned with the Metamodel Working Groups. For background philosophy on working groups see The TAO of the IETF and how this applies to TRAK.
RSS News Feeds
RSS () provides a simple way of having information delivered, once you subscribe (add the URL to whatever you use to read the entries). A good explanation of RSS is on the BBC site.
The following are available for this project:-