Ontology Description - Property Elements
This page presents definitions of TRAK metamodel elements taken from the TRAK00002. TRAK Metamodel specification. The master source definition for any element is the TRAK Metamodel specification - this page is provided for information only. It presents some of the information that is contained in the underlying ontology description, again based on the TRAK metamodel.
The ontology description is an approximation of the TRAK metamodel owing to the limitations of the OWL / RDF(S) ontology description languages - for example by describing only elements not the triples formed from them.
An ontology is not a metamodel - the TRAK metamodel contains an ontology. It also contains a taxonomy. The TRAK metamodel is also not a taxonomy. The TRAK metamodel is defined by triples which are not an ontology nor a taxonomy. More details are provided separately.
- Ontology description: https://purl.org/trak/elements/
The elements that form part of the metamodel for the open source TRAK architecture framework or which are used to describe or define it. The source document for these is 'TRAK00002. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Metamodel'.The Architecture Description Elements and relationships are used to define Architecture Description Tuples which form the basis of the specification of each of the TRAK Viewpoints and the consistency/correspondence rules across a TRAK-conforming Architecture Description.Architecture Description Tuples form the content of each TRAK Architecture View. Abstract concepts/entities cannot appear in a TRAK Architecture View but are used to manage or define other elements or model/describe them (metamodelling).
- Specification: TRAK00002. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Metamodel.
- Release date: 2024-11-09
- Ontology Description Languages - RDFS, RDF, OWL, SKOS
- Size - c 4,200 lines - too large for W3C validator as single file ...
The development of the ontology description of the TRAK metamodel and the presentation of some of this in these HTML pages is an ongoing activity and is not complete. There will also likely be limitations owing to the capabilities that ontology description languages provide (and lack).
Limitations - HTML Presentation
- Properties. No linkage of properties to Nodes, Connectors. No enumerations (not described in RDF/XML ontology - see below).
Limitations - RDF/XML Ontology Description
- Enumerated lists - allowed / default values missing
- Metamodel tuples. No definition of the individuals (each triple) that comprise the TRAK metamodel. Ontology description languages are aimed at defining the meaning of an individual ontology element (Node, Connector, Property, Value) with respect to another ontology element. An ontology is not a metamodel. A metamodel is not an ontology. A metamodel does, however, contain and ontology.
The TRAK Metamodel contents presented are subject to the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008). The general terms of this and FAQs can be seen at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.en.html. The specific terms are specified in the TRAK Metamodel specification (TRAK00002) itself.
Properties of Node and Connector Elements in the TRAK Metamodel
AD exchange element owning ID , AD exchange element owning organisation , AD exchange element recipient ID , AD exchange element recipient element name , AD exchange element recipient organisation , AD exchange element reference URL , DCMI contributor , DCMI creator , DCMI description , DCMI format , DCMI identifier , DCMI language , DCMI publisher , DCMI source , DCMI source type , DCMI subject , DCMI title , DCMI type , approval authority , architect , argument identifier , artefact url , assessment , assessment result , assumptions , claim identifier , closed date , closure action , compliance level claimed , compliance level required , concern identifier , concern scope , concern status , concerns addressed , consistency rules , constraints , date created , date modified , decisions , dependency type , description , element URI , element author , element type , evidence definition , evidence identifier , exchange type , finish date , geographic extent , identifier , impact severity , impact severity ranking , interface authority , issue , issue date , issuing organisation , item exchange identifier , item type , job holder name , likelihood , location , location code , location label , master architecture view , name , need identifier , need type , network location , ontology uri , opened date , optional tuples , organisation identifier , part , party to contract , path length , perspective description , perspective identifier , perspective title , pm codeword , pm commercial , pm descriptor , pm marking , pm marking owner , pm national caveat , port connection identifier , port identifier , port name , priority , purpose , raised by organisation , rationale , recommendations , requirement identifier , requirement owner , requirement paragraph , requirement priority , requirement scope , requirement text , requirement title , requirement type , resource interaction identifier , safety integrity level , sequence identifier , software type , sponsor , stakeholder , start date , subject tuples , submission date , summary of findings , title , tools used , tuple identifier , verification method , view description , view element identifier , view identifier , view title , viewpoint description , viewpoint identifier , viewpoint title , views , views needed , well formedness , withdrawal date
Metamodel Properties
AD exchange element owning ID
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#AD_exchange_element_owning_ID
Definition: The unique identifier for the architectural element belonging to the AD element owning organisation.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-02-08
AD exchange element owning organisation
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#AD_exchange_element_owning_organisation
Definition: The name of the owning organisation of the architectural description element.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-02-08
AD exchange element recipient ID
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#AD_exchange_element_recipient_ID
Definition: The unique identifier for the architectural description element belonging to the organisation receiving the architectural description element.
Date Created:
Date Modified: 2024-02-08
AD exchange element recipient element name
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#AD_exchange_element_recipient_element_name
Definition: The name of the architectural description element in the recipient organisation.
Date Created:
Date Modified: 2024-02-08
AD exchange element recipient organisation
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#AD_exchange_element_recipient_organisation
Definition: The name of the organisation receiving the architectural description element.
Date Created:
Date Modified: 2024-02-08
AD exchange element reference URL
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#AD_exchange_element_reference_URL
Definition: A URL that provides information on the architectural description element
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
DCMI contributor
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_contributor
Definition: An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource.
Date Created: 2010-03-12
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
DCMI creator
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_creator
Definition: An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.
Date Created: 2010-03-12
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
DCMI description
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_description
Definition: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. An account of the content of the resource. Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, table of contents, reference to a graphical representation of content or a free-text account of the content./n/rPart of the simple Dublin core metadata element set - /n/rhttp://dublincore.org/documents/usageguide/elements.shtml
Date Created: 2010-03-12
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
DCMI format
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_format
Definition: The physical or digital manifestation of the resource.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2011-09-30
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
DCMI identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_identifier
Definition: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
Date Created: 2010-03-12
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
DCMI language
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_language
Definition: A language of the intellectual content of the resource.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-03-12
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
DCMI publisher
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_publisher
Definition: The entity responsible for making the resource available.
Date Created: 2010-03-12
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
DCMI source
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_source
Definition: A Reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived.
Date Created: 2010-03-12
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
DCMI source type
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_source_type
Definition: The nature or genre of the content of the resource.
Date Created: 2010-03-12
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
DCMI subject
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_subject
Definition: The topic of the content of the resource.
Date Created: 2010-03-12
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
DCMI title
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_title
Definition: A name by which the resource is formally known.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
DCMI type
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#DCMI_type
Definition: The nature or genre of the content of the resource.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-03-12
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
approval authority
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#approval_authority
Definition: The approval authority for the architecture description.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#architect
Definition: The names(s) of the architect(s) who produced the architecture description i.e. the authors.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
argument identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#argument_identifier
Definition: A unique identifier for an argument.
Date Created: 2015-05-23
Date Modified: 2015-07-23
artefact url
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#artefact_url
Definition: The URL of the actual document being represented by this element.
Date Created: 2024-09-23
Date Modified: 2024-09-23
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#assessment
Definition: The evaluation text / narrative.
Date Created: 2015-05-23
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
assessment result
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#assessment_result
Definition: The conclusion / result of the evaluation.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2015-09-05
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#assumptions
Definition: Any assumptions made, any constraints or limitations that apply to the analysis or the task for which the architecture description is produced.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
claim identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#claim_identifier
Definition: A unique identifier for a claim.
Date Created: 2015-05-23
Date Modified: 2015-07-23
closed date
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#closed_date
Definition: The date at which the Concern was closed
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
closure action
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#closure_action
Definition: The action taken to close the Concern.
Date Created: 2015-05-23
Date Modified: 2015-07-23
compliance level claimed
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#compliance_level_claimed
Definition: Degree of level of conformance or compliance claimed against a Contract, Requirement or Standard.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2015-09-05
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
compliance level required
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#compliance_level_required
Definition: Indicates the level of compliance needed against the stated requirement.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2015-09-07
Date Modified: 2015-09-07
concern identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#concern_identifier
Definition: Unique identifier for the Concern.
Date Created: 2015-05-23
Date Modified: 2015-07-23
concern scope
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#concern_scope
Definition: The scope or type of Concern.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
concern status
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#concern_status
Definition: The status of the Concern.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
concerns addressed
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#concerns_addressed
Definition: The (stakeholder) concerns addressed by the viewpoint.
Date Created: 2012-01-02
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
consistency rules
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#consistency_rules
Definition: Rules that apply to AD elements in order to keep the Architecture Description consistent.
Date Created: 2012-01-02
Date Modified: 2012-01-02
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#constraints
Definition: Any restrictions, limitations or exclusions that apply to the analysis or the task for which the architecture description is produced.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
date created
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#date_created
Definition: Date on which AD element created.
Date Created: 2015-09-05
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
date modified
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#date_modified
Definition: Date on which AD element modified.
Date Created: 2015-09-05
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#decisions
Definition: Any decisions made during the architecture task.
Date Created: 2015-09-05
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
dependency type
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#dependency_type
Definition: Type or descriptor for the dependency.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2011-08-20
Date Modified: 2011-08-20
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#description
Definition: A description of the architecture element being represented by the architecture description element.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2011-04-08
element URI
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#element_URI
Definition: The Uniform Resource Identifier for the architectural element itself (i.e. not a reference).
Date Created: 2011-02-03
Date Modified: 2011-02-03
element author
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#element_author
Definition: The name of the creator of the AD element.
Date Created: 2015-09-05
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
element type
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#element_type
Definition: Type of element.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2016-12-24
evidence definition
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#evidence_definition
Definition: Identification of the statements that identifies the artefact as the evidence (supporting the argument(s) and claim(s) identified.)
Date Created: 2014-12-24
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
evidence identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#evidence_identifier
Definition: Unique identifier assigned to evidence architecture description element.
Date Created: 2015-07-23
Date Modified: 2015-07-23
exchange type
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#exchange_type
Definition: Type of element.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2016-12-24
finish date
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#finish_date
Definition: The end date or date of completion.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
geographic extent
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#geographic_extent
Definition: The area that the element occupies.
Date Created: 2016-07-02
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#identifier
Definition: Unique identifier for the Resource.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
impact severity
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#impact_severity
Definition: A measure of the impact on something.
Date Created: 2015-12-12
Date Modified: 2020-04-10
impact severity ranking
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#impact_severity_ranking
Definition: Label indicating ranking of the impact on something.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2020-04-10
Date Modified:
interface authority
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#interface_authority
Definition: The organisation responsible for the definition / management of the interface.
Date Created: 2014-12-20
Date Modified: 2014-12-20
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#issue
Definition: Issue identifier
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
issue date
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#issue_date
Definition: A date associated with the issue of the resource.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
issuing organisation
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#issuing_organisation
Definition: The name of the organisation that formally releases the document.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
item exchange identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#item_exchange_identifier
Definition: Unique identifier for the Item Exchange.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2016-12-24
item type
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#item_type
Definition: Type of Item.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2016-12-24
job holder name
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#job_holder_name
Definition: The name of the person who holds the job.
Date Created: 2010-04-15
Date Modified: 2010-04-15
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#likelihood
Definition: The probability that the event takes place.
Date Created: 2015-12-12
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#location
Definition: The location of the Resource (latitude, longitude, altitude).
Date Created: 2010-02-20
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
location code
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#location_code
Definition: A sequence of numbers, characters, symbols that identifies a location e.g. post code.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
location label
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#location_label
Definition: A text label for the location. Descriptive, not necessarily unique.
Date Created: 2012-01-02
Date Modified: 2012-01-02
master architecture view
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#master_architecture_view
Definition: The name / identifier of the architecture view that first declares an AD element or an Architecture Description Tuple.
Date Created: 2011-09-30
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#name
Definition: Name of the architecture description element
Date Created: 2011-04-08
Date Modified: 2011-04-08
need identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#need_identifier
Definition: Unique identifier for the Need.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2011-08-20
need type
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#need_type
Definition: Type of Need.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
network location
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#network_location
Definition: Position of Resource in network e.g. sequence or topology
Date Created: 2015-07-23
Date Modified: 2015-07-23
ontology uri
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#ontology_uri
Definition: The URI that identifies the semantic definition of the TRAK metamodel element (a type). The value is invariant and linked to a central TRAK ontology e.g. https://purl.org/trak/elements/#Resource_Interaction. A URI is an identifier consisting of a hierarchical sequence of components referred to as the scheme, authority, path, query, and fragment.
Date Created: 2021-12-22
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
opened date
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#opened_date
Definition: The date at which the Concern was opened (raised).
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
optional tuples
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#optional_tuples
Definition: The Architecture Description Tuples that may be added to an Architecture View to provide context or clarity.
Date Created: 2011-09-30
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
organisation identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#organisation_identifier
Definition: Identifier for an organisation.
Date Created: 2023-07-30
Date Modified: 2023-07-30
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#part
Definition: The identifier of the part.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
party to contract
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#party_to_contract
Definition: A person or organisation that signs a document, personally or through an agent, and thereby becomes a party to the contractual agreement.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
path length
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#path_length
Definition: The length of a path measured in units of triples ("hops").
Date Created: 2024-09-23
Date Modified: 2024-09-23
perspective description
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#perspective_description
Definition: Description of the Architecture Perspective.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
perspective identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#perspective_identifier
Definition: Unique identifier for Architecture Perspective.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
perspective title
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#perspective_title
Definition: Short title for the Architecture Perspective.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
pm codeword
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#pm_codeword
Definition: A codeword is another mechanism to limit distribution - only those with the need to know and the codeword have access to the protectively marked information.
Date Created: 2012-01-02
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
pm commercial
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#pm_commercial
Definition: Commercial privacy marking.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2012-01-02
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
pm descriptor
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#pm_descriptor
Definition: A qualifier used with the protective marking to denote the type of information, sensitivity or need to protect.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2012-01-02
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
pm marking
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#pm_marking
Definition: A protective marking - used to indicate the severity or impact of the loss of the item marked.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2012-01-02
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
pm marking owner
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#pm_marking_owner
Definition: The entity who has the authority to sanction decide, release or lower the protective marking classification.
Date Created: 2012-01-02
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
pm national caveat
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#pm_national_caveat
Definition: A restriction of the audience who can see the element by nationality e.g. 'UK EYES ONLY' would restrict the potential audience to UK nationals.
Date Created: 2012-01-02
Date Modified: 2012-01-02
port connection identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#port_connection_identifier
Definition: Unique identifier for the Port Connection.
Date Created: 2011-08-20
Date Modified: 2016-12-24
port identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#port_identifier
Definition: Unique identifier for the Port.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
port name
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#port_name
Definition: Name of the port.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#priority
Definition: Priority attached to the Concern.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#purpose
Definition: The purpose for which the architecture description is produced. This should reference the task stakeholder(s) and concerns.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
raised by organisation
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#raised_by_organisation
Definition: The organisation that created the Concern.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#rationale
Definition: A reasoned exposition of principles; an explanation or statement of reasons; (also) an (attempted) justification for something. [OED]
Date Created: 2015-05-23
Date Modified: 2015-05-23
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#recommendations
Definition: Any recommendations that result from the architecture task and consequent analysis.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
requirement identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#requirement_identifier
Definition: The unique identifier for the atomic requirement e.g 'ABC123456'
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
requirement owner
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#requirement_owner
Definition: The entity that has rightful claim or title to the requirement.
Date Created: 2011-04-08
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
requirement paragraph
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#requirement_paragraph
Definition: The paragraph number of the requirement. e.g. '3.2.4'
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2011-04-08
requirement priority
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#requirement_priority
Definition: The priority attached to the requirement.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
requirement scope
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#requirement_scope
Definition: The product scope of the thing to which the requirement applies.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
requirement text
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#requirement_text
Definition: The requirement text
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
requirement title
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#requirement_title
Definition: Brief label or summary of the requirement.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
requirement type
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#requirement_type
Definition: The type of requirement.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2023-09-09
resource interaction identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#resource_interaction_identifier
Definition: Unique identifier for the Resource Interaction
Date Created: 2011-08-20
Date Modified: 2011-08-20
safety integrity level
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#safety_integrity_level
Definition: An indicator of the degree of risk reduction required for the element.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
sequence identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#sequence_identifier
Definition: Position in sequence of requirement statements
Date Created: 2015-05-23
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
software type
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#software_type
Definition: Purpose or level of architectural abstraction of the software.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2023-05-26
Date Modified: 2023-05-26
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#sponsor
Definition: The promoter or supporter of the thing represented by the element.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#stakeholder
Definition: A person, role or organisation that has an interest in the the thing represented by the element.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
start date
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#start_date
Definition: The date marking the beginning or start.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
subject tuples
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#subject_tuples
Definition: The Architecture Description Tuples that are required for a well-formed Architecture View.
Date Created: 2024-05-27
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
submission date
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#submission_date
Definition: The date on which the related architecture description element was submitted for assessment.
Date Created: 2014-12-24
Date Modified: 2015-05-23
summary of findings
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#summary_of_findings
Definition: A summary of the findings made during the architecture description task.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#title
Definition: An inscription placed on or over an object, giving its name or describing it; a legend.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-21
tools used
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#tools_used
Definition: Identifies the tools and methods used in the construction of the architecture description and analysis of it.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
tuple identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#tuple_identifier
Definition: A unique identifier for an Architecture Description Tuple.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
verification method
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#verification_method
Definition: The method used to establish that the requirement subject satisfies the requirement.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:
Date Created: 2023-05-26
Date Modified: 2023-05-26
view description
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#view_description
Definition: Description of the content of the architecture view.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
view element identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#view_element_identifier
Definition: Unique identifier for the architecture view represented (if this is a separate element)
Date Created: 2015-09-05
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
view identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#view_identifier
Definition: The identifier - text or number short-code - for the architecture view e.g. CV-01
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
view title
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#view_title
Definition: The title of the architecture view e.g. Solution Function
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
viewpoint description
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#viewpoint_description
Definition: Description of the Architecture Viewpoint.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2016-12-24
viewpoint identifier
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#viewpoint_identifier
Definition: Unique identifier for the Architecture Viewpoint.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
viewpoint title
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#viewpoint_title
Definition: Title of the Architecture Viewpoint.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#views
Definition: The set of views that form the architecture description.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2010-02-15
views needed
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#views_needed
Definition: The Architecture Views that must first be created to declare the AD element(s) needed for the Architecture View that responds to this Architecture Viewpoint.
Date Created: 2011-09-30
Date Modified: 2011-09-30
well formedness
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#well_formedness
Definition: Minimum acceptable content for an Architecture View in terms of Architecture Description Tuples.
Date Created: 2015-09-05
Date Modified: 2015-09-05
withdrawal date
Ontology URI: https://purl.org/trak/elements/#withdrawal_date
Definition: The date at which the artefact is withdrawn and is then no longer in effect.
Date Created: 2010-02-15
Date Modified: 2024-05-27
The TRAK metamodel is subject to the terms of open source license: GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at http://gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.html.