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'OR' Connector Element

A connector element or relationship forms the predicate of a triple.

OR Connector Element in the TRAK Metamodel forms the Predicate of a Triple image/svg+xml OR Connector Element in the TRAK Metamodel forms the Predicate of a Triple Nic Plum en trak open source metamodel architecture framework OR Connector triple predicate 2025-02-22 Copyright Nic Plum. GNU Free Documentation License applies TRAK00002 - TRAK Structure and Taxonomy part of the TRAK architecture framework that describes the structure of TRAK itself. Subject Predicate Object Layer 1 Object           OR            Subject triple = ‘Subject predicate Object’

The 'OR' connector element forms the predicate of a triple - the 'verb' in a sentence

Solution Perspective
Name OR
Definition Logical (inclusive) disjunction , also known as alternation; the or of a set of operands is true if and only if one or more of its operands is true.
Wikidata:"Logical disjunction", OED:"OR (n.2)"
Comments ---
Relationship Qualities Intransitive. Not symmetrical.
Properties --- Sub Class of

Architecture Description Element

Parent Class Of ---
Appears in Triples (as predicate) Architecture Description Tuple OR Architecture Description Tuple
Event OR Event
Configuration Created: 2015-12-12Modified: 2016-01-01
Specification TRAK00002.TRAK. Architecture Framework. Metamodel (2024-11-09)
GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at
Download the specification.

The contents of this web page are produced from a graph model of TRAK held in Neo4J using a set of (non-TRAK) architecture viewpoint definitions. More details are available...


The TRAK metamodel is subject to the terms of open source license: GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at

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Modification Date: 2025-02-22