trakmetamodel Project

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TRAK Information











'is member of' Connector Element

A connector element or relationship forms the predicate of a triple.

is member of Connector Element in the TRAK Metamodel forms the Predicate of a Triple image/svg+xml is member of Connector Element in the TRAK Metamodel forms the Predicate of a Triple Nic Plum en trak open source metamodel architecture framework is member of Connector triple predicate 2025-02-22 Copyright Nic Plum. GNU Free Documentation License applies TRAK00002 - TRAK Structure and Taxonomy part of the TRAK architecture framework that describes the structure of TRAK itself. Subject Predicate Object Layer 1 Object      is member of       Subject triple = ‘Subject predicate Object’

The 'is member of' connector element forms the predicate of a triple - the 'verb' in a sentence

Solution Perspective
Name is member of
Definition Belonging to or having membership of (a group of organisations organized for a joint purpose). Distinct from is part of which implies a whole/part relationship.
OED:"member (n.), sense III.9.a"
Comments ---
Relationship Qualities Intransitive. Not symmetrical.
Properties --- Sub Class of

Architecture Description Element

Parent Class Of ---
Appears in Triples (as predicate) Architecture Description Element is member of Architecture Perspective
Architecture View is member of Architecture Perspective
Architecture Viewpoint is member of Architecture Perspective
Organisation is member of Organisation
Configuration Created: 2010-02-15Modified: 2017-10-02
Specification TRAK00002.TRAK. Architecture Framework. Metamodel (2024-11-09)
GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at
Download the specification.

The contents of this web page are produced from a graph model of TRAK held in Neo4J using a set of (non-TRAK) architecture viewpoint definitions. More details are available...


The TRAK metamodel is subject to the terms of open source license: GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at

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Modification Date: 2025-02-22